Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Enemy Assets

These are enemy assets created for the space flight simulator mentioned in previous posts. These enemies are living creatures integrated with alien technology, armor plating, and weapons. Various design cues were taken from various real world examples such as fish, insects, arthropods, and cephalopod to achieve the desired look.

These particular creatures are referred to as Drone Guardians, and four were created as boss encounters throughout the game. Textures were created at 2048x2048 resolution for marketing use, and later scaled down to 1024x1024 for in game use. Normal maps and self illuminating glow maps were generated in Photoshop for additional 3D details and lighting effects. All meshes are between 800 and 1500 polygons.
The first of the Drone Guardians. Original concept sketch by Ian Truong.

The second Drone Guardian enemy that players face. This example borrows heavily from both the look and movement of cephalopods (squid, octopi, etc). Original concept by Ian Truong.

The third Drone Guardian, which takes design cues from various eels, most notably the Lamprey Eel.

The fourth and final Drone Guardian, and one of my personal favorites to have worked on. The Angler fish was referenced for design cues, as well as various insects.

Monday, May 27, 2013

Space Flight simulator assets

This is a collection of star fighters meant for a 3D space flight simulator. The player was to have a choice between four ships to pilot, each representing nations that have been reduced to sparse colonies after Earth was taken over by hostile alien forces.

Each ship has similar polygon counts and the same texture size of 4096x4096, as well as normal mapping on all of them. The high resolution texture was used primarily for an animated cut-scene and marketing materials. The texture size was later reduced to 2048x2048 for in-game use.

The SF-17 "Scythe" represented the American colonies.

The SV-101 "Bull" represented the Russian Federation colonies.

The RSF "Tempest", which represented the colonies of the United Kingdom.

The "Fang" Mk. III, which represented the Japanese colonies.

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Character Sculpting

Another character sculpt done for a modeling class assignment. The subject this time is Damon Baird from the Gears of War franchise. The sculpt was done almost entirely in Mudbox, with only the eyes having been imported in from 3DS Max.

A close up of Baird's face, showing telltale wear and tear, as well as a hint of scarring.

Another character sculpt from the Gears of War franchise. The subject is Aaron Griffin, from the third installment of the series. Damon Baird, Aaron Griffin, and Gears of War are property of Epic Games.

Steampunk Sniper Rifle

A sniper rifle designed, modeled, textured, and normal mapped by me for use in a Steampunk themed strategy game.

The normal map was generated from the diffuse map using a normal map filter plugin in Photoshop. Afterwards, the specular and glossiness levels were adjusted in 3DS Max to give the proper sheen to the diffuse map and bring out the details of the normal map.

A close up shot displaying the magazine housing, bolt and scope.

Dragon Head sculpt

A high poly sculpt I did for a modeling assignment. The horns, fin, and tongue were made separate from the head while all other details were extruded directly from the base mesh.

The White Queen high poly sculpt

A high poly sculpt of Emma Frost AKA The White Queen from Marvel's X-Men. The Majority of the sculpt was painted with PTEX within Mudbox, while some smaller details were custom made in Photoshop and applied with a stamp. Emma Frost/White Queen is property of Marvel Comics.

A view of a custom tattoo made in Photoshop and applied with a stamp.

Close up view of the subject's face. The iris and pupil were created in Photoshop and applied to each eyeball.

Sunday, May 19, 2013

More Shader Practice.

A quick, high poly model of the well known Katana. The entire scene is rendered with shaders in Mental Ray.

Early shader work as seen in a previous image. This combat knife was rendered with wood and metal shaders in Mental Ray.

More early practice with shaders. The glass, ashtray, and liquid were rendered in Mental Ray with glass shaders. The cigarette was unwrapped and textured normally.